Tonight I was trying to watch something on TV and I came across the show Breaking Amish. I thought I would see what it was about. It is actually an interesting show if you watch it for the culture and the issues that the youth face. In the episode I watched they decided to go back to their Amish community dressed in “English” clothes as they put it. Meaning dressed in clothes from our culture. Their family would lock them out of the house and not talk to them, slam the door in their face, or shun them. One girls family moved and she didn’t even get to see them when she went back home. It shocked me because I didn’t think the family would react the way that they did towards their children. They acted the way they did because if they accepted them the whole family would be shunned by the community and their religion.
In the Amish culture what the youth in breaking Amish would be doing is celebrating somthing like Rumspringa. Allthough the members in breaking Amish have already had rumspringa before when they were younger. Rumspringa is where the youth at age 16 have the choice to stay Amish and join the church or venture out into the word and experiment with English clothes, cell phones, cars, sex and rugs. If the youth chose to stay out in the community then they are shunned by their family as I watched in the TV show Breaking Amish. I was confused as to why the families didn’t allow their children to come back into the home after they ventured out. I did some research and all the site I visited stated that they were accepted back into the home. Although they are only accepted back in if they chose to be Amish and wear Amish clothing and go by their culture. The youth in the TV show went back home dressed in clothes that we would wear, and were shunned. I got most of my information from this website:
In this video two members of Breaking Amish are talking about life in New york and how it was for them first moving. The one also touches a bit on Rumspringa:
I think that it would be interesting to be an Amish youth. I think I would fit in more in their community than I do in my own. I love nature and the land, and I have always been fascinated in how things took place before technology. I would be able to survive without technology; I only use it now to stay in contact with my family back home because it is available to me. I would learn to adapt without it just like we were able to adapt so quickly to it. I think others may not be able to give up technology though. If I could go back and live when my grandmother was a child I would. I think it would be a neat experience. I enjoyed learning about the Amish culture, and was interested in what I learnt. I also cant believe that I have one more blog to write then I’m done.. Wow how time flies. It seems like only yesterday I was sitting down trying to figure out how to work this site.